Sydney, Australia

Self Portrait

. 8 January 2015 .
7.1.15 Self Portrait 4 7.1.15 Self Portrait 2 7.1.15 Self Portrait 3Watching Bridget Jones, stuffing my face with slices of chocolate-baileys cake and fighting over who gets to sleep on the couch and who has to sleep on the unpumped air mattress...I heralded 2015 with a couple of girlfriends, a renewed determination to blog again, and a new conversation starter in hand: Colin Firth or Hugh Grant?

Long story short, 2014 was a very bit of a bumpy year, filled with questions like WHO AM I? (both in the Les Miserables sense and the Existential Crisis in Capital Letters sense). Heavy riveting growing-up stuff. With it went the desire to #OOTD or #BOTD (breakfast/brunch of the day...witty witty I know)  in this little corner of the Interwebs, and in came the urge to create something to be proud of - something more than "don't you take photos of yourself doing fashion and stuff."

Some questionable floral sketching ('ART') and new year resolutions ('GROWING UP') later, here are some shots of yours truly looking for more chocolate-baileys cake.
7.1.15 Self Portrait 4 7.1.15 Self Portrait 2 7.1.15 Self Portrait 3Watching Bridget Jones, stuffing my face with slices of chocolate-baileys cake and fighting over who gets to sleep on the couch and who has to sleep on the unpumped air mattress...I heralded 2015 with a couple of girlfriends, a renewed determination to blog again, and a new conversation starter in hand: Colin Firth or Hugh Grant?

Long story short, 2014 was a very bit of a bumpy year, filled with questions like WHO AM I? (both in the Les Miserables sense and the Existential Crisis in Capital Letters sense). Heavy riveting growing-up stuff. With it went the desire to #OOTD or #BOTD (breakfast/brunch of the day...witty witty I know)  in this little corner of the Interwebs, and in came the urge to create something to be proud of - something more than "don't you take photos of yourself doing fashion and stuff."

Some questionable floral sketching ('ART') and new year resolutions ('GROWING UP') later, here are some shots of yours truly looking for more chocolate-baileys cake.

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